It's been awhile, I know. I haven't felt like there was much to say. But, here I am for the moment.
In January I read a beautiful book called
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. It is a book celebrating the everyday graces of God, a poetically written reminder that there is so much in this world around us to be thankful for. It was a perfect book to read at the beginning of a new year. I am striving to mindfully open my eyes and acknowledge and thank God. This is not easy. Everyday I have to remind myself again and again to search out those God graces.
I've been reading Ann Voskamp's
blog ever since reading her book. Some posts I just skim through, but today's post hit home for me--a guest post about the introvert's role in the church.
Read it here.
I am an introvert. This is an undisputed fact--one I try to overcome and work with everyday. It is a personality trait that I struggle with. It leads me to compare myself to just about any out-going girl or woman. I feel
less than, like I'm missing a piece of what it is to live authentically and fully. I feel like there is something wrong with me that I can't easily engage in small talk, that I shrink into myself in crowds, at parties, and in new places. This trait has followed me around for 30 years. It's dogged my steps in this "new" city that Jeremy and I try to call home. After 3 1/2 years, I still don't feel connected and I know some of it is because of my introverted shy self.
I do know in my head that being an introvert isn't the wrong personality type. I realize that introverts and extroverts both make this world go round. But in our culture and society, being an introvert is not embraced. There is a new book out called
Quiet: the Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. I want to read it.
For quite awhile now I haven't really felt like I fit in much. And I particularly don't see how I fit into church. I am lonely there. I meet Jesus there, but there aren't bonds of friendships. The social stuff seems to be all about the couples with children and those pursuing graduate degrees. And there I am. There we are. Feeling more like a square peg in a round hole. I don't know what the answer is exactly because I can't just up and change my personality. But I am so glad I stopped by Ann's blog today and read the post. They were words this introvert needed to hear.