Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Not a happy ending...

Tonight I went to see Into the Wild. I had free tickets from work. I own, the book the movie was based on, but as of yet have not read it. Therefore, I didn't really know much about the story, except that it was a true adventure. As the movie neared the end I started to tense realizing it wasn't going to turn out how I wanted. My mind watched the story and then added it's own between the lines narrative trying to make everything work out: Okay, he's weak right now, but he's going to find food, he's going to be able to kill a squirrel or something. The river will go down and he'll be able to cross. The belt he keeps putting new holes in is going to be a souvenir when he gets back to people. Now, Now, Now someone is surely going to come. The final scene was heightened with a beating heart reverberating through the silent scenes on the screen. I felt the beating almost like it was my own heart. A heavyness swept over me at the conclusion of the film. I wanted to cry for the wasted life of a young man. He set out to discover something, and he did, but there was no one to share it with. I won't spoil the whole movie if you're inclined to see it. And don't let me persuade you that it's not worth seeing, it was a good movie, a little hard to watch. I often find myself expected the Hollywood happy endings. Tonight I didn't get that.


Amy K said...

Yay! Stephanie has a blog! :)

Rebecca said...

I didn't know the book had been made into a movie! I had to read it for freshmen writing and then of course write several papers. :) It was a great book for discussion but I had the same kind of feelings for the guy, intense, heavy sadness for how his story ended. Is it an indie film?

Jen said...

I saw the movie as well and though I really had no background on the story, I too, kept hoping against all hope something would save him. He survived all that, to die from a small mistake. Especially sad b/c he was ready to go home.

Andrew said...

Is this the story your dad was reading on the camping trip this summer? Of a young guy who sells everything and goes to Alaska or somewhere?

By the way, I love your blog title and subtitle, and am thrilled you've entered the blogging world!

Kim Mierau said...

I'm happy to see you have a blog. I look forward to reading more! Love.

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