I made some gluten-free blueberry muffins yesterday that were tasty. My husband said they were "De-licious." From him, this is exceptionally high praise as he doesn't care for many baked goods anyway.
A couple weeks ago I experimented with a quinoa risotto. Everything I read says that quinoa is very healthy and great on a gf diet. But, the couple times I've made it, we've both thought it was just okay. The "risotto" though, was very good, with mushrooms and Parmesan cheese. Mmm.
Around Christmas time I made some fudge and Jeremy and I both brought it to work to share. My co-workers raved about it (I didn't think it was as tasty as my grandma's awesome fudge! But, it was pretty good). Anyway, I participated in my workplaces Secret Pal exchange throughout this year and tonight was the big "Reveal". I whipped up some fudge last night to give to my secret pal. She squealed tonight when she opened the box and said she wouldn't be sharing any of it. :)
One of these days I'll actually get onto a good schedule with cooking.
The local farmer's market (year round!) has organic free-range eggs $2/dozen, which makes me happy.
1 week ago