Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

Jeremy and I both scored snow days today. So, instead of working all day at the library, I worked all day at home. :)

I cooked and de-boned a chicken; made chicken stock; cooked a pot of beans; made a pot of chili; baked a loaf of bread (my first from scratch gluten-free yeast bread and it turned out pretty well!); cleaned the kitchen; washed 3 loads of laundry; ironed a large pile of shirts.

There are still some messy spots in the house, but I'd say these were hours well spent.

When Jeremy and I have quiet days at home, it always makes me thankful that I married a man that I can pass such a companionable day beside.


Margaret said...

Glad you got to enjoy time off. I tried to be productive, and I was, but I relaxed more than I cleaned, probably. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree! I also enjoy that some evenings we both just want to sit and read!

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