The misuse of loose for lose.
As in: I hope we don't loose this game.
I see this mistake with frequency. I'm not as obsessed with it as Lynn Truss is with the misuse of the apostrophe (see Eats, Shoots & Leaves) ; however, I do cringe every time I read a sentence containing the misuse of loose. :)
9 hours ago
That one doesn't bother me as much as:
to, too
your, you're
their, they're, there
I see these used incorrectly daily in emails at work and it drives me crazy. This is very basic grammar!
Oh, those bother me too. I just find the lose/loose used so often and I can't believe the speller isn't catching it. They're two different words that are even pronounced differently!
Basic grammar lessons seem to have fallen by the wayside.
yeah, that totally bugs me. i notice it all the time... word misuse like that seems to crop up a lot on facebook.
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