Last evening Sister 1 & husband, Sister 2 & husband, Brother 1 & fiance, the boyfriend & I went to P.F. Changs for a celebratory, farewell dinner for the boyfriend. Although we had to wait 20 minutes past our reservation time before we were seated, we had a pleasant, relaxing meal with amazing food. Lots of talking and laughing. We finished with chocolate pies made by Sister 1. Delicious!!! I enjoy the companionship of my siblings and thank the Lord we've been able to transition into bringing the significant others into that camaraderie.
Tonight I was in nursery at church. Sometimes this is a very laid back time, other nights it is very interactive. Tonight I had the interactive kid. He wanted to play chase (he was Superman chasing me) and ride on my back and generally boss me around in an endearing sort of way. The activity heated me up and late into our time I shed my cardigan. I was wearing a feminine, cap-sleeved top that I don't wear particularly often. The little guy stared at me, gave me a once over and said, "Put your shirt on." (As if I'd done something offensive.) I assured him I had a shirt on, I'd only taken off my sweater, just like he'd taken his sweater off earlier when he'd been hot. He looked at me very seriously and said, "No, that's a bra." I'm pretty sure a look of shock crossed my face and I exclaimed, perhaps a little too emphatically for a 3-year-old, "This is not a bra, it's a shirt. All I took off was my sweater!" And without another comment we returned to our Superman chase game. You never know what's going to come out of a kid's mouth.
9 hours ago
I've just been informed that there is going to be a meeting of the deacons to discuss your scantily-clad style of dress. You may be barred from the church with a scarlet letter. I will keep you posted on the development of things.
I was NOT scantily clad!!!
You did NOT tell me that story when I talked to you. That is hilarious, you hussy. :)
Jeremy, it would be the elders - not the deacons. :) Even worse. :)
That is awesome. What letter did they decide to brand you with?
I'll comment here rather than below in the hopes that you'll actually see this comment, but the post I'm writing about is the one in which you describe reading Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader. I could grab the book from the library, I hope, but would be interested in borrowing your book with all the underlined words. Like you, I think I have a decent vocab, but am always eager to learn new words, and this book sounds like it provides quite the education! So, may I, please? :)
Oh, and I thought your story about Superman was hilarious!
I have recently gotten word from the elders that as long as you cease and desist the scantily clad style of dress, you shall in posthaste be reinstated as Princess of the Nursery.
Well thanks for the happy to hear that if I change my ways I can live my life like usual. :)
Yes, Andrew, you can borrow my copy of the book. Just remind me. It really was a great read.
Your so immodest, Steph. Geez. Even children are picking up on it now.
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