Overheard at work today:
I need to get a bookmark so I can start reading my book. (What? Since when does a person need a bookmark in order to read?)
I learned to read on Grace Livingstone Hill! (This proclaimed multiple times by a woman who said her grandma started her reading them when she was 6. What kind of grandma actually gives her 6-year-old granddaughter an inspirational romance novel to learn how to read?)
2 weeks ago
Well, I have noticed that my reading has increased by about 23% since acquiring a free Batman bookmark at BuyMe Toys here in town. When without the bookmark this weekend, I had a marked decrease in receptivity to the written word. Why is this?
You're cute. Want to go out sometime?
I'd love to! How about next weekend? (Notice my increased enthusiam rather than the "Sure. I've got nothing else to do."):)
We're on! See you then!
I can't wait!
okay, so I was very interested to see all the 5(!) comments that people had posted on this hilarious post of teaching your child to read on Grace Livingston Hill........hmmmm :) :) :)
BTW, that really was very funny -- my Dad never even let us touch GLH because of the pictures on the front. !!!!
I don't think I've ever read one of her books. I don't remember if they were taboo or not, but certainly not encouraged. :) Honestly, I'm pretty sure I didn't miss out on much!
I think they were taboo or at least frowned upon... I don't think we were missing much.
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