that I've never read Jane Eyre before? This is a travesty!
Last week after I finished up reading a most delightful debut novel, Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson, I decided it was time I set aside all the new books I'd been reading and pick up another classic (if you've been reading here awhile, you might remember I set myself a reading goal of 12 classics this year). I've been behind in that department. So, I picked Jane Eyre off my shelves. A week and a half later I'm just now nearly finished, but I have so enjoyed every moment of it. Already I can tell it will be a book I reread. Why don't people write like that anymore? I've read some enjoyable recently-published books, but in general they lack the depth of these classics.
Now, I'm not saying that just because a book is labeled a classic, that the book is automatically the superior of books published in the last few decades; however, there is indeed a reason that particular books stand the test of time.
What's your favorite classic?
2 weeks ago
How is that indeed??? It's a wonderful book!! Have you read Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility?
I find your post intriguing.
I HATED the book Jane Eyre when I read it years and years ago. I may have to pick it up again...
My favorite classics?
Little Women
Anne of Green Gables
Sense and Sensibility
Sherlock Holmes
Wizard of Oz (series)
i've never read that. i suppose that i should.:) i'd say one of my favorite classics is "a picture of dorian grey".
You know I read that last year and was SO surprised I'd never read it either. And it's my Mom's favorite book! I loved it. Glad you could enjoy it too!
Have you ever read anything by Francine Rivers -- The Atonement Child; Redeeming Love,...? Or Bodie Thoene -- The Zion Covenant and Zion Chronicles series? Both are modern authors and excellent as far as I am concerned!
And I did love Jane Eyre, but I haven't read it in years, so I am not sure it is still my favorite!
Wuthering Heights. I read it a long time ago now; I really ought to pick it up again. I own a really cool version of the book with linocuts (or engravings, I'm not sure which). I've been reading The Great Gatsby, which I only vaguely remembered from high school. It's been fun reading now and remembering what my Junior English teacher taught us about the book's symbolism.
Thanks for the input!
Kim: I have read Pride and Prejudice. Can't remember about Sense and Sensibility.
Amanda: Little Women is definitely in my top favorites! I've never read any of the Wizard of Oz, interesting...
Liz: I just read A Picture of Dorian Grey last fall. I liked it, but won't reread for awhile, quite depressing!
Lana: How are we so behind the times?! :)
Aunt Carol: I have read some Francine Rivers in the past and found them good. I haven't tried the Thoene books, but have only heard good things about them. Thanks for the suggestions.
Ashley: I read Wuthering Heights for a gothic novel class in college and I didn't like it as much as I wanted to. But, of course it was an assignment. :) A couple years ago I listened to The Great Gatsby and honestly wondered why the book is so popular. Perhaps it was because I was just listening to it.
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